Caroline CarrollAbout the Artist

Caroline has been painting all her life, starting with being a winner of the Texaco Art Competition before she started school. Over the years she has won numerous art competitions in Ireland. Caroline has been a full-time artist since l998, during which time she has achieved fantastic success both in Ireland and abroad. 

Caroline paints in Oils. Her work is instantly recognisable. Caroline puts an awful lot of work into each painting, paying particular attention to detail. Caroline particularly loves painting outdoors, weather permitting, as she feels it gives an extra edge to her landscape paintings. Everyone has a favourite spot in Ireland and Caroline has done numerous commissions of landscapes.

Caroline's paintings have a huge following both in Ireland, England, U.S.A., Canada, Scotland, Spain, Belgium, Estonia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Romania and also in Australia. It is not unknown for someone to fall in love with her work and end up buying not one but three paintings at the same time! People also request commissions of flowers.

Caroline works from her Art Studio at home. If you would like a commission done of your favourite spot in Ireland or of a favourite flower please ring me.

This is just a small selection of my Art Work for Sale. PLEASE CONTACT ME 086 1648607, or Email: